Восточноевропейская платформа перформативного искусства (EEPAP)
поддерживает развитие современного перформативного искусства
(танца и театра) в 18 странах Центральной и Восточной Европы.

"What can theater do?", Bochum, Germany [PHOTOS]


A conference "What can theater do?" took place in Schauspielhaus Bochum between May 11th and 13rd May. The event was organized by the Schauspielhaus and EEPAP.

The meeting was one of the events prepared as part of the Polish Season in North Rhine-Westphalia "The Klopsztanga. Poland without Borders".

30 participants took part in three-day sessions, they were: curators, directors, actors, producers, theater directors and playwrights from Germany, Poland and the countries included in the the East European Performing Arts Platform. They talked about the role of theater in society, its tasks and opportunities and the impact of financial crisis on the organization of theatrical life in Europe.

Moreover, the participants discussed about the impact of economic conditions on aesthetic choices of artists. After the meeting the participants from Germany proposed the continuation. Now the preparations are in progress.

The workshop participants also toured PACT Zolleverein in Essen and they saw "Die Rauba" directed by Jan Klata, made in the Schauspielhaus in Bochum.

Curators of the project: Thomas Laue (chefdramaturg, Schauspielhaus Bochum), Marta Keil (EEPAP).
Implementors of the meeting: Olaf Kroeck (playwright, Schauspielhaus Bochum), Daria Odija (EEPAP).



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