East European Performing Arts Platform (EEPAP) supports the
development of contemporary performing arts (dance and theatre)
in 18 countries of Central and Eastern Europe.

The 4th Annual Riu d'art Residency - Contemporary art in the streets (Spain)


Deaadline: 28 March 2019

Riba-roja d'Ebre is a village in the Ribera d'Ebre region (Tarragona, Catalonia), bathed by the Ebro River and surrounded by a stunning natural environment. During two weeks th of June, the village becomes a factory of experimental art, culture, performances, design, and activities.

The international residency of Riu d’art, organised by the Association of Riba Rocks and the Municipality of Riba-roja d'Ebre, is a project which aims to act in certain strategic municipal areas (both public and private) to improve their condition in order to create synergies between public, and private spaces, cultural initiatives and art as a transversal and energising element.

It aims to support, accompany and encourage international networks and project development between young native artists and artists of other nationalities.

Participating artists will have two weeks in order to develop their work. The Ajuntament will provide materials, accommodation and food. The activity will take place for a period of 13 days: from 10 th to 22 nd June 2019Click here to make an application·now.


Find out more at www.riudart.cat





