East European Performing Arts Platform (EEPAP) supports the
development of contemporary performing arts (dance and theatre)
in 18 countries of Central and Eastern Europe.

Artistic Business Lab: An Intensive Program in Paris for International Choreographers


Deadline: June 8, 2019


La Fabrique de la Danse offers a 6-day intensive allowing choreographers to enrich their style and movement while further developing their company on a business level. In 6 full days, trainees develop a global approach to overcoming challenges surrounding the creative process and company management. By the end of the intensive, choreographers leave with a stronger entrepreneurial attitude needed to propel their professional career and spark creativity. The program guarantees trainees a chance to build one’s business acumen ranging from: production, communication, lighting design and arts management. Pairing these training sessions with daily choreography workshops supervised by Christine Bastin, a renowned French choreographer, will give each participant the opportunity to grow as a leader in the field.

Why Paris? The City of Lights is the destination to immerse yourself in the arts and feel inspired! 

Additionally, this program dives into Parisian culture and includes:

  • Meet-and-Greet
  • Overcoming Obstacles Dinner
  • Night-Out in Paris (performance included)
  • Free time to explore Paris with top recommendations
  • Individual meeting with Christine Bastin regarding your choreography portfolio
  • Inspirational talks given by French professionals in the Industry
  • Celebratory Closing Dinner


DATES: from July 8th to July 14th.
LOCATION: Le Carreau du Temple, Paris 03
PUBLIC: This program is intended primarily for choreographers and dancers wishing to develop their business abilities around their next creation. Applicant must be able to complete a training in English. 
DETAILS: http://www.lafabriquedeladanse.fr/business-lab-for-choreographers/
CONTACT: [email protected]






