East European Performing Arts Platform (EEPAP) supports the
development of contemporary performing arts (dance and theatre)
in 18 countries of Central and Eastern Europe.

Call for submissions: Frisch eingetroffen - festival for young performance artists


Frisch Eingetroffen: What Works

Call for Submissions

Zeitraumexit offers a platform for artists to present their work. 'Frisch eingetroffen' addresses artists who are at the beginning of their career, or who follow unexpected paths and explore new approaches to their artistic practice. The festival focuses on works which operate at the intersection of performance, theatre and dance.

This year the festival features the subtitle "What Works". Besides the exploration of artistic, aesthetic and formal devices, the festival is about the involvement and the encounter with the audience. The organisers are looking for artists who are willing to show their work in an art space/theatre, as well as an extract of their work, or the whole piece, in the open context of a public space or building. This experiment tests artwork under different conditions, with and without technical equipment, and in different encoutners with the audience.

The festival takes place between 13 and 17 July 2016 in Mannheim, Germany.

The deadline to apply is 23 April.

More information on eligibility and details on how to apply here.
