East European Performing Arts Platform (EEPAP) supports the
development of contemporary performing arts (dance and theatre)
in 18 countries of Central and Eastern Europe.

Deadline approaching: Roberto Cimetta Fund/Biennale Warszawa Travel grants


The Roberto Cimetta Fund and Biennale Warszawa are collaborating to offer travel grants in the framework of the Biennale Warszawa in May and June 2019, thus facilitating and increasing mobility and creativity of artists between Central Eastern Europe and the Arab-Middle East region. 


Biennale Warszawa is a public institution focusing on a long-term work plan and operating on 2-year work cycles, which terminate with a festival lasting several weeks. Its aim is to integrate research, activism and artistic work all in one. The main idea behind the Biennale Warszawa concept is to aggregate and structure expertise on present-day culture and art, as well as politics. From this base, new artistic, political, social, economic and ecological ideas are created and deliberated, building alternative models of functioning in the post-crisis world. The curatorial concept for the Biennale Warszawa focuses on the institution’s activities around three dualities: art / culture, research / discourse and activism / politics. Integrating these dualities of expression leads to mutual strengthening of capacities and synergies, and avoids already worked out ideas, artworks or initiatives. This way of working allows the ideas, knowledge and concepts to flow both ways between science and art. It makes it possible to include art in intervention and activist actions in the public space and to conduct art-based research projects. This model supports the process of creating new, alternative and positive projects for human life, politics, communities, economy and culture. It is essential that, when providing many different viewpoints and experiences, one does not create divisions, then impossible to overcome, but designs a new world with a vision focused on that which is common and universal instead of that which divides and disconnects. 

The deadline to apply for travel grants is 31 December.

More details and info on how to apply here.
