East European Performing Arts Platform (EEPAP) supports the
development of contemporary performing arts (dance and theatre)
in 18 countries of Central and Eastern Europe.

EEPAP Small Grants: ARCHIPELAGO, Caro Dance Theater, premiere 25 Nov 2016, Siedlce, Poland


The new work by Kuźmiński is a caleidoscope of images and memories, capturing a man in a surreal space, where time wraps on itself. Recurring and seemingly disconnected scenes reflect the contemporary, fragmented world, where actual and virtual images blur beyond recognition.

Resulting is a portrait of five individuals, each having own story and desires, suspended in constant motion. They become a part of an archipelago of memories, which gradually envelops the audience with an unforgettable strength of imagery.


choreography, idea


 Maciej Kuźmiński

performance and creation


Anna Mikuła, Zuzanna Kasprzyk, Monika Witkowska, Karol Miękina, Grzegorz Łabuda



Adam Hypki

lighting design


Ewa Garniec

costume design


Justyna Jakubczyk-Lassota

international agent


Roma Hurey

executive production


Maciej Kuźmiński



120 min



Caro Dance Theatre with Centre for Culture and Art in Siedlce, Poland, Zduńska Wola Culture House, Poland and JOHAN Centrum in Pilsen, Czech Republic



Centre for Culture and Art in Siedlce, Poland; Zduńska Wola Culture House, Poland; JOHAN Centrum in Pilsen, Czech Republic, Visegrad Artist Residency Fund - Performing Arts Grants, East European Performing Arts Programme - Small Grants


More info: eng.maciejkuzminski.com/portfolio/archipelago/



Archipelago was realised with the support of EEPAP Small Grants Programme.
