East European Performing Arts Platform (EEPAP) supports the
development of contemporary performing arts (dance and theatre)
in 18 countries of Central and Eastern Europe.


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Levan Khetaguri has a PhD in Art Science and works as professor and director of the Arts Research Institute of Ilia State University. He is also the president of the Stichting Caucasus Foundation (The Netherlands).
Author of award-winning dance etudes and improvised choreographies. He has performed on Polish and international stages at, among others, the Grand Theatre in Warsaw, Konzerthaus Vien in Vienna, or Sadler’s Wells in London, in works by such prominent choreographers as Nigel Charnock or Ohad Naharin.  
Maria Jasińska graduated from Ukraine's National University of theatre, cinema and television of Karpenko-Karywith a degree in theatrology.
Performing arts curator, she runs the program department at the Polish Theatre in Bydgoszcz.
Since 2010 Head of the International Cooperation and PR Department of the Arts and Theatre Institute in Prague (currently on maternity leave). She graduated from the Department of Theatre Studies at the Faculty of Philosophy and Arts, Charles University in Prague.
Milan Vračar studied management in culture and media. He graduated on a theme of international theatre festivals. He is an independent cultural producer and a president of Association Kulturanova.
Miroslav Ballay (1978) je divadelný publicista, kritik, teoretik a vysokoškolský pedagóg. Pôsobí na Katedre kulturológie Filozifickej fakulte Univerzity Konštantína Filozofa v Nitre. Centrom jeho záujmu je interpretácia divadelného diela. Vydal vedecké monografie: Ticho v divadelnom diele (2006) a Farma v jeskyni (2012).
